Who We Are

We’ve got deep roots.

Brett and Graham collectively have over 45 years of experience in derivatives markets. After having met at Stanford in the early '90s, they each began their careers on the options exchange floor. In the following years capital markets saw several major upheavals, creating new opportunities.

Experience has enriched us.

Decimalization. The shift from floor-based trading to electronic execution. The Great Recession. The introduction of new exchanges with divergent fee and rebate structures. Proliferation of high-frequency equity trading. Unprecedented, extended periods of near-zero interest rates. A global pandemic. These are only some of the major events weathered by the Amilar Capital team. Our systems and approach to the markets are more robust for the experience.

Our outcomes are the result of our process.

We’re nimble and rigorous. Before we execute – 
we debate, investigate, and conduct experiments to unlock opportunities that have been overlooked.

Our Core Values


Our approach to markets and in our workplace is grounded in careful consideration of cause and effect, logical implication, and avoidance of mental pitfalls. Claims need to be justified, probability models tested, and feedback incorporated.


We pride ourselves on learning how things work. We build mental models, investigate primary sources, and conduct experiments to understand the world around us.


Candid discussions of the ideas underlying each trade and position make us a stronger organization and help us manage risk by incorporating a diversity of opinions.


We work hard to ensure everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.

Our Founders

After meeting at Stanford in 1993, Brett Rogers and Graham Miller devoted their financial careers building technology for the capital markets, first at Susquehanna International Group and later at Jane Street Capital. As exchanges evolved, they combined market making experience from physical trading floors with professional expertise, leading software development teams to create some of the very first buy-side applications trading equity options in the US. In 2010, they launched Amilar Capital to provide access for a new class of investors to opportunities enabled by current technological advancements.